Hi, I'm Martin Romeira

And this is a little bit about me:

I started getting into editing a long time ago when I was practicing parkour. I wanted to convey in my own videos the rhythm, movement, and adrenaline of what I loved to do. Over time, I trained and practiced, working as an editor and colorist on different projects and productions until I finally realized that I not only enjoy editing but also helping other colleagues, guiding, and curating content.

This is how at Edit Crew, I transitioned from being an editor to being a Creative Project Manager, taking on new responsibilities and enhancing other skills such as team management, agility for different resolutions, working with clear communications, managing quality within necessary timelines, and always caring for the work environment.


I am a restless person; I always like to learn, optimize, know, and grow. And that is also reflected in my free time; I try to balance all the time I spend on the computer with activities that allow me to move and be in nature: climbing, trekking, and camping.

Now I have just moved to Madrid, working remotely, and I am prepared for my next adventure.
